The final day of 2013 has finally arrived. Not to say it like I was ready for it. But I am ready for it. It's nothing like a new year to get excited about the newness that's in store for you. New places to visit, new people to meet, new goals, new dreams, a new beginning. In 2013, I was obsessed with DIY (made my DIY Christmas idea happen!), photography, beauty and fashion related - dark vampy lipsticks and midi dresses and skirts.
But before I hit the new year, I want to reflect on the old to help enter into the new feeling extremely blessed to make it to 2014.
2013 began with a fresh new haircut. On January 1, I chopped all of my hair off. Throughout my life I had shoulder length and longer hair, so chopping it all off was a huge deal for me, but I was oh so ready. Like really ready. That was the only way I got through it. It did help that in 2012 I cut it shorter and shorter so when January 1 rolled around I was able to let it all go. I didn't feel like a weight had lifted or whatever other emotions women get then they cut off all of their hair, I was just excited. I did what I wanted to do, and I was ready.
Later on in the month I travelled to Houston and Dallas to visit family and the day before I was heading by home, my grandfather passed. Literally hours before I set out to visit him in Galveston. He died in his home and lived a long life. I know he's watching over my family, and I pray his spirit helps us get through our issues so we can become a stronger, close-knit unit. After the memorial I was able to hang with all my family. We sang, dance, ate well and had an amazing time together. One of the highlights of the year. A bittersweet moment.
Unfortunately only a few weeks later, one of my closest friends passed. I still remember the call from my friend, and her voice on the other end of the line like it was yesterday. We all endure personal demons, and sometimes they take us to a point of no return. As often as we can, a group of us get together and celebrate his life, remember his most enduring moments, and reminisce on his "pleasant" nicknames for us (Lol..insider). His funeral was the hardest moment of 2013. I pray that he is at peace, and is looking down on those who he loved and loved him with a smile and those deep dimples.
Life then went on as usual for the next few months, I got restless and travelled to Fort Lauderdale for some quick, much needed R&R.
In the meantime in between time, I always knew I wanted to travel to Europe, soon and very soon. So what better way than to ring in 30. I booked my ticket and started planning my solo travel to London and Paris. This was indeed my best moment of 2013.
Thanksgiving and Christmas was celebrated and enjoyed with family. Even helped surprise my family with a wine and painting night.
In 2013 I continued to find myself. Sounds cliché'ish, but nothing better than truly knowing who you are. It's a constant search of finding my happy but I'm on the right path of how I want to live my life, and the type of people I want in it - friendship and relationship wise.
This year had its highs and lows, as next year will have as well. It's inevitable. But I'm determined to have more highs than lows, if I have any control over it. In March, I'm going to Hawaii and I've already begun thinking of destinations for my 31st birthday in September (Greece, Barcelona, Cabo, T&C…). Somewhere in the mix, I plan to sprinkle in a few "smaller" trips. Let's see where the wind blows!
Welcome 2014!!!
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